Update 3.9

Update 3.9

Release 3.9: The Haunted Update!

Things are getting spooky this October. Read on to see what’s to come in the next update!

What’s New?

3 New Dinosaurs will be releasing with this update. These Cunning creatures will be making teams ever more Resilient!




Cunning – Resilient



Discover the Animantarx on your map as soon as October 16!




Cunning – Resilient



The Estemmenosuchus will be a Short-Range Exclusive – increase your discovery odds with the FREE Short-Range Weekly Scent!




Cunning – Resilient

Hybrid Ingredients: Dreadactylus + Alankyoceratops



Fire up the lab! Fuse Dreadactylus and Alankyoceratops to unlock your own Alankydactylus. And keep your eyes peeled for special events to face off against this formidable flock!

As previously mentioned in our October Community Letter, the wait is ALMOST over! The team has been busy making some awesome improvements to the Brawl experience with this 3.9 update. Stay tuned to our official announcement regarding Brawl later this month!

With the release of 3.9, we have made some changes to the player age verification flow, which ensures proper age restrictions are being observed on Jurassic World Alive. Make sure to enter your age when requested after updating!

As also mentioned in our October Community Letter, finding the best DNA sources for over 350 creatures can be challenging, and we want to continue streamlining and opening accessible channels in some of the areas of the game that lack specific DNA distribution focus. With the weekly Isla Events now a dedicated path to collect and level up select creatures, we are also making some changes with our weekly Strike Events on the map.

Strike Event Exclusive DNA

As of Update 3.9, the following creature DNA will become available exclusively through Strike Event rewards:

  • Common Purussaurus Gen 2
  • Rare Charlie
  • Rare Delta
  • Epic Blue (exceptionally, she will also be available as a Raid Boss + Raid reward)
  • Legendary Parasaurolophus lux
  • Omega Diabloceratops

As of update 3.9, these creatures will no longer be accessible on the map and in the Arena & Raid rewards. Additionally, these creatures will still continue to appear in our weekly Event Supply Drops as well, depending on the week’s theme.

Strike Event Rotation Changes

The other changes will be the Strike Event frequency, type and rotation schedule.

As of October 9th, the Strike Event schedule will look like the following:

  • We heard you! No more multi-stepped Strike Events. All Strike Events will now only be 1 Step with 1 Reward.
  • Weekly Strike Event Trials have been retired
    • However special Strike Events with special restrictions will still exist for players looking for a true challenge
  • Scent and Stat Boost Strike Events will now appear primarily during major special weeks and themes.
    • Our external and in-game Weekly Event Calendar will always display when an upcoming Scent or Stat Boost Strike Event is scheduled
  • Small, Standard, and Large Strike Events will appear every day during the week
  • Rare Strike Events will appear four times during the week
  • Epic Strike Events will appear twice during the week
  • A new type of Strike Event will be introduced; Premium Strike Events!
    • These are 1-Step Strike Events that provide a Premium Incubator!
    • They will appear once during the week

Strike Event Reward Changes

As mentioned, Strike Events will now give DNA that is exclusive to them and as of October 9th, Strike Events will no longer provide DNA based on the Weekly Theme.

Instead, Strike Event rewards will now contain DNA from the Strike Event exclusive creatures, as well as some additional DNA from other non-exclusives!

To identify Strike Event rewards, you may have noticed a new Incubator type from the Glyptosavis Strike Event on October 4th. This was a teaser of what’s to come.








What’s Improved?

bunch of dinosaurs got some tune ups – read on for details!

Baryonyx GEN 2

The second generation of the Baryonyx is the first creature we’ve retouched, and boy was it due for one. As time passes in the Jurassic World (the one that is Alive, that is), we often find that creatures aren’t performing as well as we expect, or have just been lost to time. This was one such case, and it was due for a refresh. It gains a resistance to Stun, something that is quite powerful in its rarity alongside a great Damage buff, more Damage on criticals and a new high risk/high reward ability that will devour even the healthiest Resilient creature… of course, assuming it doesn’t run away first.


  • Defense Shattering Impact becomes Berserk Blighted Sundering Decimation


  • Attack: 1000 to 1300
  • Critical Damage: 125% to 150%


  • Stun: 0% to 75%


Marsupial Lion

When we first introduced the Marsupial Lion as well as the Smilodon (and their hybrid relatives), we introduced Rending abilities as well. The Marsupial Lion was one of those creatures that had a Rending ability, and unfortunately, it was doing nothing with it. Instead, we’ve elected to go back to the drawing board a bit. Rudely interrupted by a fluffy friend requesting sustenance, that’s when we hit upon the needed change: turn the Rend into a Devour. With additional Attack value and Critical Damage, in addition to defenses against its former mechanic, it should be able to sustain itself better in the Arenas.

We also gave it a little stun resistance, as a treat.


  • Rending Takedown replaced with Devouring Takedown
  • Medium Counter-Attack replaced with Afflicting Counter Strike


  • Attack: 1000 to 1150
  • Critical Damage: 125% to 140%


  • Stun: 0% to 25%
  • Rend: 0% to 50%


This creature was so old it re-fossilized before our very eyes. Another revival was in order. Superior Vulnerability is an okay ability, but it wasn’t doing this creature any favors. The Nodosaurus now concentrates more on shielding by adding an instant basic attack that shields, an additional shield on its Impact move, and a Swap In Invincibility. Opponents will need Shield Breaking abilities to really punch through this creature.

Also, we gave it additional Attack Stats so it can do additional damage. Tautological perhaps, but a sorely needed buff to its offensive capabilities due to the rapidity of change in Jurassic World Alive!


  • Superior Vulnerability becomes Instant Shielded Resilient Strike
  • Decelerating Impact becomes Bracing Mending Impact
  • Swap In Invincibility added


  • Attack: 950 to 1150



Speaking of ancient creatures that were here since the dawn of Jurassic World Alive, we have the Wuerhosaurus. Long languishing at the bottom of most people’s collections, this Stegosauridae needed to get updated to the modern era of dinosaurs. However, we couldn’t resist bringing back a move that had vanished alongside a rebranding of several attacks, and update it for the standards.

That’s right, Thagomizer is back in action, and it will hurt.

The modernization, however, is a small update to the attack Stat and replacing Taunting Bellow with the version that also heals, allowing the Wuerhosaurus to remain on the field longer. To further put the hurt on opponents who try to attack this newly rehauled beast, it now has Medium Resilient Counter-Attack. With this, no longer should the Wuerhosaurus languish at the bottom of the herd. Instead, it will be smacking other creatures around with its spiked tail.


  • Group Decelerating Rampage becomes Thagomizer
  • Taunting Bellow becomes Taunting Heal Bellow
  • Medium Resilient Counter-Attack added


  • Attack: 1000 to 1100


  • Reduced Damage: 0% to100%
  • Speed Decrease: 0% to 75%


What is it with these Resilient creatures and Resilient offshoots? They keep getting Attack buffs! Of course, these buffs are warranted. Low rarity Resilients are often caught slipping when faced with the high speed of the game, so being able to just get even a tiny bit more damage helps. Much like the creatures above, the Ankylocodon received a refreshing set of abilities, in addition to a more defined Fierce lineage with the addition of Group Fierce Strike. Early game flocks beware. For single creatures, the Ankylocodon is now equipped with a Rampage move just to make sure it’s not left out in the muck when push comes to shove.


  • Resilient Strike becomes Group Fierce Strike
  • Group Decelerating Impact becomes Vitalizing Impact
  • Group Shield becomes Group Bulwark
  • Defense Shattering Impact becomes Superiority Rampage


  • Attack: 1000 to 1100



The Acrocanthosaurus, as released, had problems. Namely, it lacked several resistances that are slowly becoming necessary as the game advances and becomes more complex. Now, it has a higher resistance to Vulnerability and it can no longer receive Damage over Time. It finally became the fierce predator we always knew it could be. It can leave the nest head raised with pride.

It also gains a Counter and an On-escape ability, making it much more dangerous for creatures to flee after attacking, as it now gets angry when hurt. Very angry, in fact. Make sure you have a way to reduce its damage before leaving, or you may end up as its next meal.


  • Counter Ferocity added
  • Fierce Bite On Escape added


  • Damage over Time: 0% to 100%
  • Vulnerability: 0% to 50%
  • Stun: 0% to 50%
  • Crit Reduction: 0% to 50%



We’re removing Invincibility from this dinosaur. To be fair, Invincibility is a shorthand for 100% shield, and well, shields can be destroyed. The Ankylosaurus deserves being a tad more durable than that. It too is a recipient of the attack Increases that have been happening to Resilient dinosaurs in this update. The big changes come in the form of an added counter that puts Vulnerability on the attacker and Attacks for 1200 (at level 26, without damage buffs, AEPs or vulnerability, your mileage may vary, please consult your local Ankylosaurus dealership for additional details), a group basic attack to have an option vs. flocks, and even a shield breaker to help versus other shielding Resilients!

Give it another look once the update arrives in the appropriate environments, it may not be the strongest attacker, but it’ll be among the stoutest.


  • Superior Vulnerability becomes Dispersed Superior Vulnerability
  • Group Taunting Shields becomes Group Taunting Shield Exchange
  • Instant Invincibility Taunt becomes Instant Taunting Bulwark
  • Counter Vulnerability added


  • Attack: 1000 to 1200


  • Reduced Damage: 0% to 75%
  • Stun: 0% to 50%



You may be noticing a trend here, lots of lower rarity creatures have been getting Stun resistance (though not immunity!) and the Baryonyx is no exception. It needed a bit of a revamp, and as you can see, that’s what it got. Fierce Double Strike replaces the outdated Defense Shattering Strike. Considering the amount of Damage buffs Baryonyx has, it benefits greatly from multiple hits. To compound that, it gains Counter Ferocity and Crushing Stun to add to the onslaught of Damage buffs.

If you’re facing it, bring something that nullifies Damage buffs or your creature will be eaten. This is a warning.


  • Defense Shattering Strike becomes Fierce Double Strike
  • Group Takedown becomes Crushing Stun
  • Counter Ferocity added


  • Stun: 0% to 50%



Among the oldest creatures we have and definitely one that needed a revamp as it simply couldn’t compete anymore… nor did it ever, to think about it. Still, the gameplay loop of this creature is solid on paper, it simply wasn’t strong enough. As such, every single one of its abilities got remade into a better version. Its Resilient Strike now devours. Taunting Defense gives it Armor buffs, so even if its shield gets broken it still has a defense (unless facing a Fierce) and the attack now pierces through all possible defenses, including dodge. A little stat buff across the board, even giving it armor (which it… didn’t have, at all, prior) as well as resistances across the board.

If you’ve been interested with how the Concavenator played before, but were dismayed through repeated losses due to it simply not being durable enough, we hope these changes give you a little extra incentive to try it out again.


  • Resilient Strike to Devouring Resilient Strike
  • Taunting Shields to Taunting Defense
  • Defense Shattering Impact to Precise Fierce Impact


  • Health: 3750 to 4000
  • Attack: 1150 to 1200
  • Armor: 0% to 10%


  • Reduced Damage: 0% to 50%
  • Damage over Time: 0% to 50%
  • Rend: 0% to 50%
  • Vulnerability: 0% to 75%



Another old creature that we’re reupholstering. While we have messed with this creature before by bringing it up to spec by introducing Resilient Impact (long standing veterans will remember when the creatures had no class), it was more than just that ability that this creature needed. As such, we’ve overhauled its kit yet again, concentrating more on upping the power of each ability to turn it into something far more usable for Epic tournaments.

Much like the Wuerhosaurus, we’ve given this one Thagomizer. We’ve also given it Counter Vulnerability to make opposing creatures think twice about taking a swing at it. Coupling that with turning two resistances into Immunities as well as the Resilient Attack Buff often seen in this update, the Kentrosaurus should no longer be a laughing stock among Epic Resilients.


  • Group Decelerating Strike to Thagomizer
  • Resilient Impact to Instant Resilient Impact
  • Decelerating Counter to Counter Vulnerability


  • Attack: 1000 to 1200


  • Reduced Damage: 50% to 100%
  • Vulnerability: 50% to 100%



Long ago, in the far off time of 1.x, it was a common decision that Devastation would be limited to Cenozoic turtles and their lineage. This hasn’t been the case for quite some time, but it is even less the case now. The Megistotherium, while it didn’t need much in terms of a readjustment, did have an ability that was simply too old to make waves in Jurassic World Alive. With the added Sacrifice effect and Revenge, this creature will be a high-risk, high-reward crystal canid cannon.


  • Armor Piercing Impact to Revenge Berserk Devastation



Charging into the fray, the Brontolasmus is back to trample creatures that don’t get out of the way. And we do mean creatures plural, as it gained both a Group attack as well as a multi-attack. Flocks beware. However, we’ve taken out its double Rampage, choosing to put the majority of the damage on its new ability, Triple Horn Rampage.

Bit of a normalization (positive) of its health, as well as additional Resistances to hopefully avoid some nasty status effects. If you’ve struggled with pesky triple critters, this creature may be worth another look.


  • Resilient Impact to Group Resilient Impact
  • Taunting Rampage to Taunting Heal Bellow
  • Group Decelerating Rampage to Triple Horn Trample


  • Health: 3900 to 4200


  • Reduced Damage: 0% to 75%
  • Vulnerability: 0% to 75%
  • Stun: 0% to 50%



A recent plague of status effects have devastated the global population of Dimodactylus, and quite frankly we would be doing a horrible job as a preservation group if we did not inoculate these precious flyers. As such, it will now enjoy newfound Resistances to a swath of status effects. We look forward to seeing these creatures into more homes following this inoculation.


  • Reduced Damage: 0% to 50%
  • Speed Reduction: 0% to 50%
  • Damage over Time: 0% to 75%
  • Vulnerability: 0% to 25%



A while back, we introduced a new way to Battle with a 4v4 Brawl mode. While it’s still undergoing additional development, that doesn’t mean we can’t improve the creatures that were featured there, and this is what we’ve elected to do with the Alankylosaurus. To put it mildly, we’ve released much better flyers, and this one deserves its time in the sun and to feast on the local fauna.

Expect a full kit revamp: Resilient Strike to Dispersed Superior Vulnerability, Short Defense being outclassed was changed to Dig In Taunt, and we even retrofitted (wait, how can you retrofit a living creature? A question for the gene scientists doing the work, I suppose) it with the developments we’ve made to the game since it launched. Namely, On Escape and Armor change. We’ve also coupled the thematic Resilient attack buff and made it faster just so it can finally keep up with the rest of its contemporaries.


  • Resilient Strike to Dispersed Superior Vulnerability
  • Short Defense to Dig In Taunt
  • Armor Shift added (Counter)
  • Strike On Escape added


  • Attack: 1000 to 1100
  • Speed: 114 to 119


  • Stun: 0% to 50%
  • Reduced Damage: 0% to 50%
  • Speed Decrease: 0% to 100%
  • Vulnerability: 0% to 100%
  • Reduced Armor: 0% to 50%



Sometimes, a creature comes out and it’s good, but not good enough. This is the case with the Acrocanthops. We wanted the creature itself to be more useful in group situations, so we changed Revenge Rampage into something that hits multiple targets as well as added Damage Reduction to it. Going against this creature should be a lot scarier than it was, as it can now reduce your own creature’s damage to nothing, assuming it has no Resistance or Immunity to that specific status effect.


  • Revenge Rampage to Instant Group Distracting Revenge
  • Alert Counter Distraction added


  • Health: 4500 to 4650
  • Speed: 112 to 120


  • Reduced Damage: 0% to 50%



One of the oldest legendary hybrids out there, Ankyntrosaurus needed a bit of freshening up. As this creature has another hybrid that depends on it, we know that people should be at the very least interested to level it up in some way. Because of that, we wanted to make sure that it had some level of utility… somewhere. That somewhere will be group situations as it now gets a group attack that applies vulnerability to everyone, and it replaces its former Taunting Rampage to something that hits stronger at the expense of acting last in the turn.

More importantly is that it got a massive Health buff of 900, allowing it to stay alive much longer, in addition to resisting armor reductions to match its new Payback Rampage ability. Ankylosauridae becoming sturdier, you love to see it… unless you’re facing them, of course.


  • Superior Vulnerability to Dispersed Superior Vulnerability
  • Taunting Rampage to Payback Rampage


  • Health: 3900 to 4800
  • Attack: 900 to 1000


  • Reduced Armor: 0% to 50%



When this creature was released, it didn’t exactly perform as anticipated, and many were expecting it to be better. Still, these are minor changes overall, but sometimes just a minor change is what a creature needs to get over the hump, or dorsal fin in this case.

Its Revenge Instinct will now have priority when revenge is activated, as the creature will remember why it was so agitated to begin with rather than being slow to react. The rest of the changes align more with survivability, containing an immunity to Rend and resistance to Vulnerability, which should allow for it to survive much easier against creatures that love to make others vulnerable. Won’t be that easy against Megalocevia anymore.


  • Revenge Instinct: Priority added when Revenge is active


  • Armor: 10% to 20%


  • Rend: 50% to 100%
  • Vulnerability: 0% to 75%

Revenge Instinct

Now has Priority when Revenge is active.

What’s Fixed?

The team has been hard at work focusing on some outstanding bugs. Here are a few of the most notable fixes for 3.9!

  • Fixed a Friend’s List issue – list should now load more consistently when being accessed.
  • Sound effects in the Expedition Drone menu will now be properly deactivated when the Sound Effects were set to off the in settings
  • Player should now properly received all their rewards after winning a battle in Isla Event
  • Fix several issues inside the Battle screen where the campaign or Tournament buttons would not reflect the actual state of the campaign or the rewards available
  • Fixed an issue with in-game mail not displaying special characters in some languages
  • Fixed an issue with the Missed Rewards pop-up might sometimes show up when collecting rewards


We’re currently working on solutions for the following issues:

  • Battle Pass notifications sometimes consider already collected items
  • Friendly challenges cannot be started
  • Video ads can’t be played for free daily incubator
  • At the end of a Raid or a Isla Event boss, the camera might sometimes shows weird angles
  • When scrolling through the list of eligible creatures in the Team Select screen, the last row of creature might be cut off

A note on data collecting:

We’d like to take a moment and thank everyone who has been participating in our numerous surveys and providing us with constructive feedback on our forums and social channels. We believe in player feedback and although changes rarely occur immediately, the very tangible data we collect, especially from our surveys, help guide us on our roadmaps and future optimizations.