A HARVEST FESTIVAL ASSAULT Team Isla event begins on November 22nd!
Defeat ornery feathered beasts dinosaurs to receive Exclusive Rativates DNA!
This Isla Event’s Boss is a special Phorurex! Face off against it in a solo battle!
The Event will be active from 2023-11-22 10:00 AM ET to 2023-11-28 10:00 AM ET!
The following dinosaurs will be eligible during this Assault:
- Albertosaurus
- Allodrigues
- Allosaurus
- Argentavis
- Coelhaast
- Darwinopterus
- Deinocheirus
- Diloracheirus
- Erlikosaurus
- Geosternbergia
- Haast Eagle
- Microraptor
- Nomingia
- Phorusaura
- Phorusrhacos
- Poukaidei
- Quetzorion
- Rativates
- Rodrigues Solitaire
- Segnoraptor
- Segnosaurus
- Segnotherisaurus
- Therizinosaurus
- Thylaconyx
Happy battling DPG members!
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