Release 3.12: The Migration Update!
Update 3.12 brings new dinosaurs, Amber, a new way to play with your Community and more to Jurassic World Alive!
What’s New?
3 New Dinosaurs will be available at launch!
Find DNA of this iconic RARE dinosaur in PVP Arena Incubators as of Arena 5 with the release of 3.12!
Fuse this new LEGENDARY hybrid with Aquilamimus and Thylacosmilus DNA!
This Fierce-Resilient APEX hybrid is ready to take on the competition. Fuse your own Spinotops with Angel and Giganspinoceratops in the lab!
Looking to get a taste of these new releases? Face off against these three new dinosaurs on the March 13th Spotlight Strike Event!
Community Events are Back!
An exciting revamped event is coming back to Jurassic World Alive!
Last August, the very first Community Challenge was introduced, and we saw how excited everyone was! This Community Challenge offered a fresh way for players to come together, pushing themselves to accomplish a shared goal. Since its debut, we have taken valued player feedback and produced a new Community Event experience!
For those who did not get a chance to participate in the Community Care Challenge, players needed to work together towards a common goal. This required collective participation from the player base during a set timeframe. Rewards were unlocked based on the community’s progress, aiming at accomplishing all targets.
In this revamped Community Event, you will be able to see the progress and collect rewards in the NEW Event Hub. (That’s right, no longer need to ping the Discord to find out!) This will appear in game while the event is ongoing so you can keep track of targets and collect rewards instantly.
When a Community Event is active, you will be invited to join your fellow players to complete a goal, and receive great rewards along the way. You will be able to see the progress of the community, and collect rewards in the new Event Hub that will appear in game while an event is ongoing. Remember, each Event has a minimum contribution required from each player for them to earn rewards!
Stay tuned for the first event, coming to you later this month!
“Paleo-DNA? From what source? Where do you get 100 million year old dinosaur blood?!”
Introducing Amber, a new way for life to find a way! Amber is the precious fossil that can preserve prehistoric DNA. In Jurassic World Alive, Amber is now a resource that can be used to fill in missing DNA of any dinosaur of that Amber’s rarity, giving you a new way to Evolve your dinosaurs! Just collect Amber, head to the Lab, and when you have enough Amber, it will appear as an option to fill in missing DNA! This applies to all dinosaurs, both hybrids and non-hybrids alike.
All Amber rarities can be collected and used for all players above Level 3. Keep an eye out for events to distribute this precious resource! If you don’t want to visit the Lab, you can always check on your Amber stock in a new Inventory section. Check out the images of Amber below, and get Evolving!
What is the minimum level needed to access Amber?
Level 4
Is all Amber available at this level? Or will different rarities have different level requirements?
All Amber is available at level 4
Where will Amber be distributed?
Amber will be distributed through upcoming March Community Event and starting in April, will also be distributed in the Season Pass
Where can Amber be used?
Amber can be converted into a creature of the according rarity in the character sheet itself
Can Amber be used as missing DNA in your collection to level up?
Can Amber be used on all rarities, IF Amber rarity is aligned?
Can Amber be used on both non-hybrid and hybrids?
Where can’t Amber be used?
Amber can’t be used to make catalysts. However a player can still convert its generic into a creature DNA that will be used to do so after
Can Amber be given in a guild?
Is Amber farmable in Sanctuaries?
Can Amber be used to unlock a dinosaur?
Can Amber be used to complete a hybrid fusion if one ingredient is below the required level?
Would it be possible to exchange different Amber rarities? I.e 1000 Common Amber for 10 Apex Amber?
Where will I be able to see my Amber inventory?
In the Lab and in your Backpack
What’s Improved?
In case you missed it, we announced an overhaul of our dinosaur distribution and collections. Read on for all the details here!
Surprise! There are NO balancing updates to share with Update 3.12!
What’s Fixed?
The team has been hard at work focusing on some outstanding bugs. Here are a few of the most notable fixes for 3.12!
- In the Team Select screen of Strike Event, the name of Omega Dinos should now be properly displayed
- The top bar should not disappear anymore when going to the Lab from the Isla Event team select screen
We’re currently working on solutions for the following issues:
NEW with 3.12:
- Players with a Guest account trying to sign in with a Facebook account might get stuck during bootstrap. If this occurs, please close and reopen the game to clear the error.
- Players may experience a softlock when pressing the ‘Battle’ button for PVP after returning from a short background interrupt or a lockscreen.
- During battles, the damage preview of an ability might consider the “Secure” even if the ability is in “Threatened” state.
Under Ongoing Investigation:
- Battle Pass notifications sometimes consider already collected items
- Friendly challenges cannot be started
- Video ads can’t be played for free daily incubator
- At the end of a Raid or an Isla Event boss, the camera might sometimes shows weird angles
- When scrolling through the list of eligible creatures in the Team Select screen, the last row of creature might be cut off
- In Brawl, Dodge sometimes does not apply to creatures in the Front Row
- Raid invitations are sometimes not being received
A note on data collecting:
We’d like to take a moment and thank everyone who has been participating in our numerous surveys and providing us with constructive feedback on our forums and social channels. We believe in player feedback and although changes rarely occur immediately, the very tangible data we collect, especially from our surveys, help guide us on our roadmaps and future optimizations.
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