The Isla Boss Battles Update
Update 2.21 brings Isla Boss Battles, new abilities, and Creature improvements to Jurassic World Alive!
What’s New?
- Onwards 2023!
- New to Isla Events: Isla Boss Battles!
- New Abilities!
What’s Improved?
- Creature Updates
- Ability Updates
What’s Fixed?
- Bug Fixes & Known Issues
Onwards 2023!
Hello DPG members,
Thanks to your endless support, Jurassic World Alive has become one of the top location-based mobile games in the world. This year, we’ll celebrate a major milestone: Jurassic World Alive’s fifth anniversary. We’re far from finished, get ready for a bigger year than ever!
We wanted to let you know that in this and future updates, you’ll see a temporary increase in focus on improvements, rebalancing, and creating new, valuable features that address player needs.
With that in mind, watch out for some incoming news on the JWA Discord and website with a sneak peek of what’s to come!
Solo Boss battles have been a top Community request since we introduced Raids in Update 2.0. We’re delighted to finally bring them to your Jurassic World with Isla Bosses – a brand new Isla Event experience! Take on Isla Bosses on your own, with a team of up to 4 eligible creatures! This means Group abilities apply! Our first Isla Boss event will occur on February 15th, so make sure to brush up on your Raid strategies and fight to win special rewards!
Team and Self: increase damage, 25% 2 attacks, 4 turns.
Target highest HP: attack 1x.
Team and Self: Cleanse. Heal 50% of max HP.
Target highest HP: attack 1.5x.
Cooldown: 2.
Team and Self: Cleanse Speed decreases. Heal 50% of max HP. Increase Shield 50% 4 attacks, 2 turns.
Target highest HP: reduce Speed 50% 4 attacks, 2 turns. Taunt 1 attack, 1 turn.
Cooldown: 2.
Target highest HP: attack 1.5x. 75% Chance to Stun, 1 attack 1 turn.
Cooldown: 2. Delay: 1.
Team and Self: Cleanse Speed decreases. Increase Speed 50% 2 attacks, 2 turns.
Self: Increase damage 50%, 2 attacks 1 turn.
Reduce speed 50%, 2 attacks 2 turns. Attack 1x.
Team and Self: Increase Shields 50%, 2 attacks 2 turns.
Self: Increase Armor 20% 2 attacks 2 turns. Taunt 1 attack 1 turn.
This round of Creature updates in Jurassic World Alive is shaking up the Epic Environment! Try these improvements out in Tournaments to put Epics back on the Map!
The venomous Pulmonoscorpius has been a bit too toxic to its Tournament opponents! We’re adjusting its Stats to give arachnophobes a chance.
Armor: 35% to 30%
Damage: 1050 to 1000
This original Cunning creature has been in need of some adjustment, considering the increase in creature power over the years.
Cunning Strike becomes Tough Group Cunning Strike
HP: 3000 to 3100
Vulnerability: 0% to 25%
Reduced Damage: 0% to 25%
Damage over Time: 0% to 25%
Speed decrease: 0% to 25%
Like its cunning chum, this resilient was in need of a few changes to better compete in tournaments.
Minor Decelerating Counter added
Armor: 0% to 10%
Stun: 0% to 50%
Damage over Time: 0% to 50%
Oviraptor GEN 2
Oviraptor GEN 2 is still fairly new to the game and has had trouble finding its place in the meta. We’re helping this feathered theropod out with a few adjustments.
Health: 2400 to 2600
Attack: 1300 to 1350
Speed decrease: 0% to 75%
Bumpy hasn’t had quite enough force to bump opponents in Tournaments, so we’re boosting the baby ankylosaur slightly.
Group Taunting Shield Impact becomes Taunt Resilient Group Impact
Health: 4200 to 4400
Damage: 1050 to 1100
Fierce creatures are not shining in Epic tournaments. We are giving a speed buff to Acrocanthosaurus to help it catch up with the pack.
Fierce Impact becomes Group Defense Shattering Impact
Speed: 103 to 110
This mammoth hybrid has not been considered valuable in Raids or PvP. We are helping this protective pachyderm into a new niche as a support tank creature that can help by healing itself and others.
Ferocious Persistent Strike becomes Group Persistence Strike
Group Cleansing Impact becomes Group Fortifying Impact
Group Decelerating Impact becomes Healing Bellow
Distraction: 0% to 50%
Diorajasaur has struggled since deceleration was removed from its moveset. We’ve returned the deceleration and offered some Resistances to help the Diorajasaur bring others down to its speed.
Added Swap In Decelerating Strike
Taunting Group Shield becomes Secure Taunt
Health: 4500 to 4800
Distraction: 0% to 75%
Critical Chance Reduction: 0% to 100%
Vulnerability: 0% to 50%
Deceleration: 0% to 100%
Stun: 0% to 50%
This Apex ceratopsid needed a bit more charge to suit its bloodline. These new stampeding attacks should help keep attackers at bay, lest they face a head-on collision with the Ceramagnus’ horns!
Acute Stun becomes Instant Charging Impact
Group Acceleration becomes Imminent Stampede
Added Stunning Obstruction
Health: 4500 to 4800
Swap Prevention: 0% to 50%
Some pesky bugs have been squashed for 2.21! Here are a few of the most notable fixes that you are likely to enjoy:
- Various fix for stats and skills.
- Fixed some specific device issue were the UI was hidden behind the camera (ex: Pixel 3XL.)
- Fixed an issue during Isla EVent Battle where the HP bar of the Player’s dino was offscreen.
- Creatures should not appear white in battle anymore.
We’re currently working on solutions for the following issues:
- Bug preventing the cards from loading properly in the collection screen when using filters. Scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the collection is a workaround to the issue.
- Trying to buy the Instant Unlock Step of the Welcome Battle Pass might freeze the game and block the players. This is being looked at with priority.
A note on data collecting:
We’d like to take a moment and thank everyone who has been participating in our numerous surveys and providing us with constructive feedback on our forums and social channels. We believe in player feedback and although changes rarely occur immediately, the very tangible data we collect, especially from our surveys, help guide us on our roadmaps and future optimizations.
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