An OMEGA WHITE ROCK ASSAULT Team Isla event begins on January 3rd!
Defeat all dinosaurs to receive Exclusive Vectispinus DNA!
This Isla Event’s Boss is a special Scorpios Rex! Face off against it in solo battle!
The Event will be active from 2024-01-03 10:00 AM ET to 2024-01-16 10:00 AM ET!
The following creatures will be eligible during this Assault:
- Aenocyonyx
- Alanqa
- Ankylocodon
- Ankylomoloch
- Borealpelta
- Bumpy
- Compsognathus
- Concakuisaurus
- Concatosaurus
- Diabloceratops
- Diloracheirus
- Dimetrodon GEN2
- Direwolf
- Dracoceratosaurus
- Einiosaur
- Fukuisaurus
- Giganyx
- Giraffatitan
- Indominus Rex
- Lythronax
- Majundasuchus
- Majundasuchus
- Monomimus
- Mortem rex
- Nodopatotitan
- Phorusaura
- Postimetrodon
- Pteranodon
- Suchomimus
- Suchotator
- Tanycolagreus
- Tarbosaurus
- Tenontosaurus
- Thoradolosaur
- Thylaconyx
- Thylacotator
- Toro
- Triceratops GEN2
- Vectispinus
- Velociraptor
- Velosrhacos
Happy battling DPG members!
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