A MORTEM REX ENHANCEMENT RUSH Team Isla event begins on November 29th!
Defeat all dinosaurs to receive Exclusive DNA!
This Isla Event is extra special as it has up to 15 Steps! Fret not, as the event difficulty has been properly scaled and should be more accessible to a larger number of players including those just getting started on their Apex journey!
This Isla Event’s Boss is a special Mortem Rex! Face off against it in a solo battle!
The Event will be active from 2023-11-29 10:00 AM ET to 2023-12-12 10:00 AM ET!
The following dinosaurs will be eligible during this Assault:
- ’93 Classic T.rex
- Acrocanthosaurus
- Aenocyonyx
- Alloraptor
- Ankylomoloch
- Ankylos Lux
- Apatosaurus
- Atrocimoloch
- Beelzebufo
- Brachiosaurus
- Coelurosauravus
- Diabloceratops
- Dilophosaurus
- Diloracherirus
- Diloranosaurus
- Dimetrodon
- Diorajasaur
- Diplodocus
- Dire Wolf
- Doedicurus
- Dracoceratops
- Dracorex GEN2
- Dracovenator
- Dsungaia
- Eremotherium
- Erlikosaurus
- Haast Maximus
- Indominus Rex GEN2
- Indoraptor GEN2
- Megalania
- Megalotops
- Miragaia
- Paramoloch
- Preondactylus
- Purrolyth
- Rexy
- Sinoceratops
- Spinoceratops
- Suchotator
- Tanycolagreus
- Tenontosaurus
- Thoradolosaur
- Thylaconyx
- Thylacotator
- Toro
- Tyrannometrodon
- Tyrannosaurus Rex
- Utasinoraptor
Happy battling DPG members!
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