A DRAGON’S YEAR ASSAULT Team Isla event begins on February 1st!
It’s the Year of the Dragon! Defeat all Asiatic dinosaurs to receive Exclusive Sinraptor DNA!
This Isla Event’s Boss is a special Fukuimimus! Face off against it in a solo battle!
The Event will be active from 2024-02-01 10:00 AM ET to 2024-02-13 10:00 AM ET!
The following dinosaurs will be eligible during this Assault:
- ’93 Classic. Trex
- Alloraptor
- Allosaurus
- Ankylodactylus
- Ankylosaurus GEN2
- Apatosaurus
- Concakuisaurus
- Deinocheirus
- Direwolf
- Dreadnoughtus
- Dsungaripterus
- Dsungascorpios
- Erlikosaurus
- Eucladoceros
- Fukuiraptor
- Fukuisaurus
- Giganspinoceratops
- Gigantspinosaurus
- Giganyx
- Indominus rex
- Indoraptor GEN2
- Mammotherium
- Microraptor
- Moros Intrepidus
- Oviraptor
- Panthera Blytheae
- Parasauthops
- Preondactylus
- Purrolyth
- Rajakylosaurus
- Rexy
- Rinchenia
- Sinoceratops
- Sinosauropteryx
- Skoonasaurus
- Spinoceratops
- Spinosaurus
- Spinosaurus GEN2
- Tarbosaurus
- Therizinosaurus
- Thoradolosaur
- Troodoboa
- Tuojiangosaurus
- Woolly Mammoth
Happy battling DPG members!
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