Update 3.8

Update 3.8

Release 3.8: The Expedition Update!

Update 3.8 brings new dinosaurs, an all-new way to collect DNA, and more to Jurassic World Alive!

What’s New?

Get ready for a whole new DNA collection experience with Expedition Drone! And the best part, it all happens passively, so you can enjoy other parts of JWA!

As of level 4, players can access the Expedition Drone feature as a new tab in the Creature Tracker menu. Available for dinosaurs that you already own, select the map-based dinosaur you are looking for, load up your Drone with up to 20 darts, and send it off to hunt for that creature’s DNA! Your Expedition Drone is guaranteed to return with DNA of this creature, within an amount of time determined by the creature’s rarity and the amount of darts you have selected. At launch, players will be able to Drone all map-based Common, Rare, Epic and Omega dinosaurs, excluding Short-Range creatures.

DNA returned per dart can range based on the success of the individual expedition, with the maximum possible DNA reward shown on the Expedition screen. Collect your DNA by returning to the Expedition Drone menu when your Expedition Drone has returned, or use a Speed Up. Expedition Drone flights do not impact regular Drone gameplay.

One Drone Slot will be available to all players at launch, while Season Pass holders will get a second slot, allowing for players to launch two different Dinosaur Expeditions at once. Players will not be able to send two Drones for the same creature simultaneously. For an extra bonus, VIP subscribers will benefit from a 20% bonus on DNA collected per dart sent.

New dinosaurs will be entering your world with this update! Enjoy a throwback formatting for our new 3.8 dinosaurs while our artist is on a well deserved vacation – our standard Dinosaur Ability Cards for our 4 new dinosaurs will be updated on their return.

In the meantime, scroll down and read on for details! 




Cunning – Fierce






Fierce – Resilient






Wild Card

Hybrid Ingredients: Skorpiovenator + Dimodactylus






Fierce – Resilient

Hybrid Ingredients: Protoceratops + Bajatonodon



What’s Improved?

The last few years have seen a number of new battle modes added into the battle menu. With the positive reactions we received to the Alliance menu overhaul in hand, we’ve revamped the Battle Menu to ensure visibility to each mode, feature, and reward! Overall, we are focusing on ensuring Campaign and Isla Events are more visible, and ensuring we have lots of space for incoming features! Enjoy this extreme make-over, battle menu edition!














Thank you again for all your feedback during our inaugural Brawl season. Thanks to comments shared on social, Discord, to Support and through our Brawl Survey, we are working on improvements to your future Brawl experience.

As we fine tune this next season, please note that we will be temporarily deactivating the Brawl Shop with the release of 3.8 ahead of the next season’s rewards, so don’t forget to spend those Brawl Crests before then! While the Shop is deactivated, players will not be able to spend their Crests balance, but they will remain in your inventory.


Small change here, but one that should have a fairly big impact for early game players that add this bird to their collection. The former Raking Claws upgrades to an Impact move, and it now has a counter to make predators think twice about feasting on them. With an added Speed Reduction immunity, it will be easier for the Phorusrhacos to strike first and escape situations where striking first means striking last (because the other creature is knocked out).


  • Raking Claws becomes Raking Impact
    • Target: Most Positive Effects. Remove Cloak. Remove Dodge. Attack 1.5X.
      Cooldown: 1.
  • Medium Darting Counter added


  • Health: 3000 to 3250


  • Speed Decrease: 0% to 100%


Part of our ongoing work with what we had flagged as raid healers earlier in the game’s lifespan to bring them more in line with the current expectations of a creature in Jurassic World Alive. Dig In allows it to gain life back when on the field rather than on a Swap-In, and instead the Swap-In becomes a healing increase. A Counter that debuffs speed allows it to start acting first in situations where it would be beneficial to do so. Finally, it crosses the 1000 Attack threshold, landing at a clean 1100, which should allow it to dispatch opponents faster.


  • Taunting Bellow becomes Dig In
  • Devastation becomes Group Resilient Impact
  • Swap In Heal becomes Swap In Blessing
  • NEW – Encumbering Counter added


  • Attack: 900 to 1100



The Deinotherium is letting its voice be heard, but only if you smack it around a bit. That, however, is a minor change compared to the amount of increases to Stats – It crosses the 4000 health threshold, gets 200 additional Attack as a base and doubles its chance to land a critical hit with any of its attacks. It should be a lot more dangerous to take hits from this creature in the Arena.


  • NEW – Counter Bellow added


  • Health: 3900 to 4000
  • Attack: 1050 to 1250
  • Armor: 5% to 10%
  • Critical Chance: 10% to 20%


  • Speed Decrease: 0% to 100%.


Fury? No, bloodthirst is the name of the game here as we change Mutual Fury to Mutual Bloodthirst, doubling everyone’s Attack on the field, but also giving such a powerful bonus to your own that it offsets the potential to get swept. So long as you survive, your attacks will be hitting with a baseline of 225% assuming you land a Critical hit, and that 50% bonus to critical hits allows us to expect these critical hits to occur far more often.


  • Cunning Strike becomes Instant Distracting Strike
  • Mutual Fury becomes Mutual Bloodthirst
    • Target: Team. Cleanse All Negative Effects. Increase Damage By 100.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Increase Crit Chance By 50.0% for 2 turn(s).
      Target: All Opponents. Increase Damage By 100.0% for 1 turn(s), 1 attack(s).
    • Cooldown: 1.
  • Group Distraction becomes Instant Distraction
  • Revenge Impact becomes Distracting Revenge Blow



Vanilla Strike!? In this economy!? That simply won’t do. As an aerial dinosaur, we wanted to make sure Scaphognathus had all the improvements we’ve made to the other flyers. Strike is updated to Minor Wounding Strike. Minor Swoop instead becomes Cleansing Swoop, giving it a powerful way to both apply additional damage over time and cleanse everything else. Its heal is greater and usable in emergencies, allowing it to outlast opponents who would otherwise beat it before being bled out. We heard someone say “more DoTs” and the Scaphognathus’ counter has certainly answered the call, with a small Damage over Time every time it is directly attacked. Rounding this up are Health and Attack increases as well as a Swap Prevention immunity.


  • Strike becomes Minor Wounding Strike
  • Minor Swoop becomes Cleansing Swoop
  • Heal becomes Greater Emergency Heal
  • NEW – Minor Wounding Counter added
    • Target: Attacker. Damage Over Time 10.0% of target’s max HP for 2 turn(s).


  • Health: 2700 to 3000
  • Attack: 1000 to 1100


  • Swap Prevention: 0% to 100%.


Argentinosaurus simply was not functioning properly. We gave it a full makeover, turning it from a milquetoast tank into a danger to everyone in range of its massive stomps. Thanks to the reduction on cooldown for Extended Critical Strike, the Argentinosaurus can now keep this ability refreshed so long as it remains on the field, and those critical strikes will deal 150% damage. To round this all out, we gave it a helping hand in the resistances department. If you have any property near an Argentinosaurus, I would start thinking about getting insurance against Acts of Dinosaur.


  • Resilient Strike becomes Shielded Heavy Strike
  • Group Decelerating Strike becomes Group Decelerating Rampage
  • Extended Critical Strike is now Cooldown: 2 changed from Cooldown: 3
  • NEW – Minor Brace On Escape added


  • Attack: 1100 to 1150
  • Armor: 0% to 5%
  • Critical Chance: 20% to 40%
  • Critical Damage: 125% to 150%


  • Speed Decrease: 0% to 100%
  • Stun: 0% to 50%
  • Vulnerability: 0% to 50%



This update is part of an ongoing effort to make Blue’s pack more interesting to use. As such, it gets a Pounce named after it, and a few updates on the Stats front. We’ll be monitoring this pack further in the coming updates, and see if they eventually get more tricks up their… well, non-existent sleeves.


  • Strike becomes Group Distracting Strike
  • Pounce becomes Charlie’s Pounce


  • Health: 2100 to 2300
  • Speed: 130 to 131


  • Speed Decrease: 0% to 100%
  • Reduced Damage: 0% to 50%



To make Delta more interesting, she now pounces and runs away. To counteract this change in her pounce, we’ve elected to give her the ability to control the opponent’s buffs with Nullifying Impact. Following this, she gets a bit of a nerf in the speed area (we still want Charlie to be slightly faster than her) to gain overall buffs in Health and Attack. As the Swap specialist of her pack, she also gets a Swap Prevention resistance as the cherry on top.


  • Strike becomes Cunning Strike
  • High Pounce becomes Delta’s Pounce
  • Impact and Run becomes Nullifying Impact


  • Health: 2400 to 2500
  • Attack: 1300 to 1450
  • Speed: 131 to 130


  • Swap Prevention: 0% to 100%
  • Reduced Damage: 0% to 50%



Echo’s jaw has finally recovered, and Blue’s former challenger now integrates a Bite following its Pounce. Those who remember the Fukuiraptor’s Pounce and Bite now have to face a much more ruthless version as it will completely ignore Dodge. Cleansing Impact gains a guaranteed Critical, and Echo’s role as the aggressive one is enhanced with a boost to critical chance and critical damage. This is one raptor you do not want to mess with anymore.


  • Precise Pounce becomes Precise Pounce and Bite
  • Cleansing Impact becomes Cleansing Critical Impact


  • Critical Chance: 5% to 15%
  • Critical Damage: 125% to 150%


  • Critical Chance Reduction: 0% to 100%
  • Reduced Damage: 0% to 50%



She’s the leader of the bunch. You know her well. She’s finally back to bite some tails. Pack-Backed Pounce is a finishing move that rounds out her moveset and gives her a unique position – a non-hybrid Epic with four moves rather than three. She may not be THE Clever Girl, but she is a clever mom in her own right. Rounding this up is a set of Health and Attack buffs, as well as the Speed Decrease resistance we’ve given to all of Owen’s flock.


  • NEW – Pack-Backed Pounce added


  • Health: 2400 to 2700
  • Attack: 1300 to 1450


  • Speed Decrease: 0% to 50%


The iconic Pteranodon had been ignored for quite some time. After perching atop the mountains far away from the arena, the following changes should bring it back home. On the ability side, it gains a Double Strike with Fierce Double Strike replacing the outdated Defense Shattering Strike and an automatic critical with Fierce Critical Impact. To round this all out, Pteranodon’s Impact and run now becomes Instant. The Pteranodon will now cross the 1000 attack threshold, and gain 450 more Health to help keep it alive enough to flee. We’ve also given it Resistances, as it was one of those creatures that were released before resistances and was never revisited. All in all, your Pteranodon will be a lot fiercer in combat.


  • Defense Shattering Strike becomes Fierce Double Strike
  • Fierce Impact becomes Fierce Critical Impact
  • Impact and Run becomes Instant Impact and Run


  • Health: 3300 to 3750
  • Attack: 900 to 1150
  • Critical Chance: 5% to 10%


  • Swap Prevention: 0% to 100%
  • Damage over Time: 0% to 50%
  • Rend: 0% to 50%



The Scaphotator, as a hybrid of the Diplotator and Scaphognathus, needed additional help to truly represent what a mixture of those two creatures would yield. To combat Flocks, its Fierce Strike will hit all opponents. Distressing Impact is more accurate to the crested horns adorning its head. To keep its distracting niche, the distraction has been moved to the Counter side of things. Stats wise, a standard Health and Attack buff to catch up to the current power levels and several resistances added, including a full immunity to damage over time.


  • Fierce Strike becomes Group Fierce Strike
  • Distracting Impact becomes Distressing Impact
  • NEW – Distracting Counter added


  • Health: 3000 to 3300
  • Attack: 1000 to 1200


  • Damage over Time: 0% to 100%
  • Stun: 0% to 50%
  • Swap Prevention: 0% to 50%
  • Reduced Damage: 0% to 50%


Indominus Rex

It’s not the first time we’ve needed to retouch the Indominus rex, but this time it’s only minor changes. Instead of “more teeth”, we went with “faster teeth” this time around… whatever that means. We also changed both Armor Piercing moves to give them a unique identity. Dispersed Fierce Impact allows it to bite everyone, and Instant Armor Piercing Rampage gives it an instant move it sorely needed. We’ve also given Indominus rex a speed increase so it should now act first in a bit more situations, especially against slower Resilient creatures.


  • Armor Piercing Impact becomes Dispersed Fierce Impact
  • Armor Piercing Rampage becomes Instant Armor Piercing Rampage


  • Speed: 107 to 111



The parent of what the community has nicknamed “The Rat” had always escaped notice, as toning down and tuning up the Smilonemys always took priority. It’s Smilocephalosaurus’ time to shine, and this comes with a full retool of its moveset. Speed decrease on its Evasive Strike? Check. Moving Prowl to a Counter while giving it an Instant move that dodges and puts a damage decrease on the opponent? Check. A potential stun on swap in? Check. With these changes, it should already be stronger overall, but it also needed a bit more Resistances. Due to the addition of a Swap In, we figured it needed a chance to stop swap prevention, and we gave it a critical chance decrease resistance to round it all out. Beware this sabretooth, it could easily devour you.


  • Evasive Strike becomes Evasive Decelerating Strike
  • Deliberate Prowl becomes Instant Evasive Distracting Impact
  • NEW – Counter Prowl added
  • NEW – Alert Swap In Stun added


  • Critical Chance Decrease: 0% to 75%
  • Swap Prevention: 0% to 50%


As a pure Fierce that inherits traits from the otherwise pure Resilient Sinoceratops, the Allosinosaurus did not really carry much of either. As such, we’ve moved and improved Fierce Impact to the Armor Piercing Impact slot, and given it Group Vitalize to fill that hole. A small critical chance increase and a few resistances rounds out the buffs given to this creature. With Group Vitalize, try it out in battle and see how it gels with your team.


  • Armor Piercing Impact becomes Dispersed Fierce Impact
  • Fierce Impact becomes Group Vitalize


  • Critical Chance: 20% to 25%


  • Speed Decrease: 0% to 50%
  • Vulnerable: 0% to 50%
  • Stun: 0% to 25%


The raid healer tax that originally plagued this entire family will soon be at an end, and this is the newest creature to benefit from this change. With the new 4v4 mode, “and Run” style moves have a use in team-based combat, so we gave it one that comes with a Heal. The other ability changes round out this creature with a group attack being transferred from the basic attack to the Instant charge as it is similarly given a Shielded Heavy Strike to keep it up outside of shield breaks. To further encourage Swap-ins, it now has Alert Swap In Bracing Stun added to its abilities. Outside of that, a simple fine tuning of its Stats and added Swap Prevention resistance as to cover its new responsibilities.


  • Group Cleansing Strike becomes Shielded Heavy Strike
  • Lesser Group Heal becomes Mend and Run
  • Instant Charge becomes Group Instant Charge
  • Group Shield becomes Taunting Resilient Group Impact
  • NEW – Alert Swap In Bracing Stun added


  • Armor: 0% to 10%


  • Swap Prevention: 0% to 75%


Part of these creature updates are to give them new effects that have been introduced to the game since their inception, especially when their parents have them. Tyrannolophosaur loses Fierce Impact to gain Afflicting Impact instead, and much like other creatures this update, it gains a group move with Group Distracting Impact. Small increases to Health and Attack help a bit, but aren’t the major addition. We’ve seen fit to give it small resistances to Wound, Damage Reduction and Stun, but the real change will be that Afflicting Impact we’ve mentioned before. Give it a whirl in Battle!


  • Distracting Impact becomes Sustained Group Distracting Impact
  • Fierce Impact becomes Afflicting Impact


  • Attack: 1650 to 1700
  • Speed: 108 to 110


  • Damage over Time: 0% to 33%
  • Reduced Damage: 0% to 25%
  • Stun: 0% to 67%

Extended Critical Strike

ExtendedCriticalStrike now has a Cooldown: 2 instead of Cooldown: 3.

What’s Fixed?

Some pesky bugs have been squashed for 3.8! Here are a few of the most notable fixes that you are likely to enjoy:

  • Affliction now properly affects Rend resistance
  • Dinosaurs will not turn invisible in Brawl 4v4 matches
  • Shield now works as intended in Brawl match
  • Omega Dino now shows the correct newly assigned stats
  • On iOS, the Market should no longer miss loading any items after launching the game

We’re currently working on solutions for the following issues:

  • Battle Pass notifications sometimes continue to show items after collection
  • Friends List appears blank for some players
  • Friendly Battles do not start
  • Video ads sometimes can’t be played for free daily incubator

A note on data collecting:

We’d like to take a moment and thank everyone who has been participating in our numerous surveys and providing us with constructive feedback on our forums and social channels. We believe in player feedback and although changes rarely occur immediately, the very tangible data we collect, especially from our surveys, help guide us on our roadmaps and future optimizations.